Well after the Amazon, what could
possibly be next?! We went from the real jungle to what turned out to be a concrete
jungle - Brasília. The political capital of Brazil, it was founded in the middle of
the country in 1960, and houses the parliament, taking the focal point away from
Rio and southern Brazil. With Brazil’s current political climate, it feels
slightly like they've bundled a huge amount of corruption in one place. The centre of the city doesn't feel very Brazilian, nor did the route from the airport.
It seemed to be affluent everywhere we went, full of museums and architecture (by Lúcio Costa, Roberto Burle Marx and Oscar Niemeyer). Brasília wasn't on our short-list of places to visit, but we
spent just over 24 hours in the city, since we had to change planes there anyway. This turned out to be the perfect length of time to explore and see the main sights.
I would recommend using
BikeBrasília, even though we didn't, as there is a lot of emptiness between
sights. There seems to just be areas of empty space and maybe in 50 years that will
change, but to me it looked like how I imagine these new purpose-built Arabic cities in the
desert to be. The must-sees are doable in a few hours and we actually pretty
much walked everywhere, which was good exercise. That said, Brazilian cities often aren't
very pedestrian friendly, with paths often ending for no good reason and
this seemed especially true in Brasília.
One thing that will stay with me me was the experience we had at the central bus station, trying to find our bus. There was very
little information about how to get the bus or where to queue once you found the right place. This wasn't a
gringo not understanding Portuguese either, it was just as clear as mud for
everyone involved. Sometimes I wonder whether people do things just to add
chaos and confusion to everyone else’s life. We eventually found the bus and
spent our evening at Pontão do Lago Sul, from which we got a view of the JK bridge.
It was a lovely area to end the day and we got a taxi back to the hotel to save
some time and not have to figure out the bus again.
Anyway just a short one today with some photos below for you to enjoy!